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Home > It is easy to forget, but Prada makes fantastic basic bags

 When you look at the camouflage, fur and fringe that dominate Prada’s fall collection, it can be difficult to remember that Prada is a label whose bread and butter is basic, somewhat conservative leather bags. And yet, it’s true – year after year, these bags fly under the fashion radar but are picked up by thousands of women of every conceivable age and lifestyle to add a note of sophistication and luxury to their wardrobes.

Bags like the Prada Soft Calf Tote probably won’t be featured prominently in Vogue editorials or spotted on the arms of endless starlets, but they’re the bags that make Prada a great source for accessories year after year. While half of the line chases trends, the other half looks like this – the kind of bag that most women would love to have in their closets. Or at least the kind of bag that I’d love to have in mine.


This design doesn’t attempt to break new handbag ground, but it does recreate a traditional shape very well. The draped leather emphasizes the material’s pliable, soft texture, and the placement of the brand logo provides a touch of asymmetry to balance the luggage tag on the other side of the bag. At 13 inches wide and 11 inches high, the bag is a nice medium size that likely wouldn’t be too heavy for everyday use. As long as Prada keeps making bags like this one, I will never begrudge the brand some of its sillier offerings. Buy through for $199.